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Air Conditioner types, Split AC, window AC, Price, Tons, Ratings, Deals & Brand 2024

Split AC

A split AC is a type of air conditioner with two parts: an indoor unit and an outdoor unit. The outdoor unit, which is noisier, houses the compressor and condenser. The indoor unit, quieter and more compact, blows cool air and often includes filters. Compared to window units, split ACs are quieter, more efficient, and offer more flexibility for installation.

Types of home Air Conditioner?

There are two main types of air conditioners for residential use: window ACs and split ACs.

  • Window ACs

Window air conditioners are a cheaper and simpler option for cooling a single room. They are self-contained units that are installed in a window frame. Window ACs come in a variety of sizes to fit most standard windows.

  • Advantages:
    • Lower cost
    • Easy to install (DIY)
    • Good for small rooms
  • Disadvantages:
    • Noisy
    • Less efficient
    • Limited cooling power
    • Blocks window
  • Split ACs

Split air conditioners are a more complex and expensive option, but they are also more efficient and can cool larger areas. Split ACs consist of two units: an outdoor unit (condenser and compressor) and an indoor unit (evaporator and blower). The outdoor unit is located outside the home, while the indoor unit is mounted on a wall inside the home. Split ACs are connected by refrigerant lines that carry cool air from the outdoor unit to the indoor unit.

  • Advantages:
    • Quieter
    • More efficient
    • Cools larger spaces better
    • Doesn’t block window
  • Disadvantages:
    • Higher cost
    • Requires professional installation
    • Two separate units

Which ac is best window or split?

Window ACs are cheaper, self-contained units ideal for small rooms and easy DIY installation. However, they’re noisy, less efficient, and have limited cooling power.

Split ACs are quieter, more energy-saving, and cool larger spaces better. They require professional installation and have two units (indoor & outdoor). If noise, efficiency, and bigger room cooling matter more, go for a split AC. If budget is tight, your room is small, and DIY appeals to you, a window AC might suffice.

What is Tons and Stars in Air Conditioners?


  • What it is: A unit used to measure the cooling capacity of an air conditioner, not its physical weight.
  • What it represents: Tons indicate how much heat an AC can remove from a space in an hour.
    • One ton is equal to removing 12,000 BTUs (British Thermal Units) per hour.
  • Why it’s important: Choosing the right tonnage is crucial for effective cooling. An AC with too low tonnage won’t cool your space sufficiently, and one that’s too high will be inefficient and costly to run.


  • What it is: An energy efficiency rating system, typically used in some regions.
  • What it represents: The star rating indicates how energy-efficient an air conditioner is. More stars signify better efficiency.
    • This translates to lower electricity consumption and running costs.
  • Why it’s important: A higher star rating can save you money on your electricity bills in the long run, even though the AC itself might have a slightly higher initial cost.

Choosing the right AC:

  • Consider both tons and stars when selecting an air conditioner.
  • Room size: Square footage is a major factor in determining tonnage. Generally, a 1-ton AC is suitable for smaller rooms (up to 400 sq. ft.), while larger spaces require higher ton ratings.
  • Other factors: Factors like ceiling height, insulation, and sunlight exposure can also influence your AC needs.
  • Consult a professional: An HVAC technician can help you assess your space and recommend the most appropriate AC size and efficiency rating for your needs.

Difference between 1 ton and 1.5 ton in Split AC?

The main difference between a 1 ton and 1.5 ton split AC lies in their cooling capacity:

  • Cooling Capacity: A 1.5 ton AC has a higher cooling capacity than a 1 ton AC. In simpler terms, a 1.5 ton AC can cool a larger space or a space more effectively than a 1 ton AC.
  • BTUs: This capacity is measured in BTUs (British Thermal Units). A 1 ton AC is around 12,000 BTUs while a 1.5 ton AC is around 18,000 BTUs.
  • Room Size: A 1 ton AC is ideal for rooms up to 150-160 square feet, while a 1.5 ton AC is suitable for rooms up to 180 square feet. These are estimates and the actual recommended room size can vary depending on factors like climate and insulation.

Here’s a table summarizing the key differences:

Feature1 Ton AC1.5 Ton AC
Cooling CapacityLowerHigher
BTUs (approx)12,00018,000
Suitable Room Size (approx)Up to 150-160 sq ftUp to 180 sq ft

Additional Considerations:

  • Power Consumption: A 1.5 ton AC will generally consume more power than a 1 ton AC.
  • Price: A 1.5 ton AC is typically more expensive than a 1 ton AC.

Choosing the Right AC:

The best AC for you will depend on the size of the room you want to cool, your climate, and your budget. It’s always best to consult with an HVAC professional to determine the right size AC for your needs.

Split AC 1 ton and 1.5 ton price in India?

Disclaimer: Prices are indicative and may vary depending on brand, model, features, retailer, and current offers.

  • 1 Ton Split AC: The price of a 1 ton split AC in India can range from ₹27,000 to ₹40,000.
  • 1.5 Ton Split AC: A 1.5 ton split AC in India can cost anywhere between ₹35,000 to ₹60,000 or even more depending on the features

Consider before Air Conditioner purchase?

Here are some key considerations to make before purchasing an AC in India:

Size and Capacity (BTUs):

  • Room Size: This is the most crucial factor. A 1-ton AC is suitable for rooms up to 150-160 sq. ft., while a 1.5-ton AC cools up to 180 sq. ft. These are estimates, and the actual recommendation depends on factors like:
    • Climate: Hotter climates may require a larger AC.
    • Insulation: Good insulation allows a smaller AC to be effective.
    • Occupants: More people generate more heat, so factor that in.

Energy Efficiency:

  • BEE Star Rating: Look for ACs with a higher BEE (Bureau of Energy Efficiency) star rating. A 5-star AC is most energy-efficient, resulting in lower electricity bills.

Type of AC:

  • Window AC: More affordable and easier to install, but noisier and less efficient than split ACs.
  • Split AC: Quieter, more efficient, and better for cooling larger areas. However, installation is more complex.

Other Features:

  • Inverter ACs: These are more expensive but use power more efficiently, leading to significant savings in the long run.
  • Additional features: Consider features like sleep mode, timers, air filters, self-cleaning functions, Wi-Fi connectivity (for smart home integration) based on your needs and budget.

Installation and Maintenance:

  • Installation Cost: Factor in the cost of professional installation, which may vary depending on the AC type and complexity.
  • Maintenance: Regular maintenance is crucial for optimal performance and lifespan. Consider the ease of cleaning filters and accessibility of components for service.

Brand and Price:

  • Brand Reputation: Research different brands for their reliability, after-sales service, and warranty options.
  • Price: Prices vary depending on brand, features, and capacity. Set a budget and compare options within that range.

Additional Tips:

  • Get Quotes: Obtain quotes from multiple retailers or AC service providers to compare prices and services offered.
  • Read Reviews: Read online reviews of specific AC models to get user insights on performance, noise levels, and features.
  • Off-Season Purchase: Consider buying during the off-season (winter months) when there might be better deals and discounts available.

By carefully considering these factors, you can make an informed decision and choose the AC that best suits your needs and budget.


Home air conditioners provide a cool sanctuary from hot weather, but choosing the right one can be tricky. Consider factors like room size, budget, and desired features. Split AC units are efficient but require installation, while window units are affordable but less powerful. Inverter technology saves energy, and higher star ratings indicate better efficiency. Regular maintenance extends your AC’s lifespan and keeps your cool comfort flowing.


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